Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Road Ahead (Photo Story)

Previously in TheWhole Truth, Tony learned that he has a three year old daughter by a woman he was seeing while stationed in California. Now, he must share his shocking news with his fiancée, Brandy.

Have I told you I love you today? (Tony)
At least three times, but I never get tired of hearing it. (Brandy)
I love you, Baby. (Tony)
I love you, too. (Brandy, smiling)

Brandy’s smile begins to fade as she notices the worried look on Tony’s face.

Is everything okay? (Brandy)
I hope so. I got an email from an old girlfriend a few days ago. She said she was in town and needed to talk to me about something in person. When I left my sister’s house, I went over to the bakery to meet her. I hope you aren’t mad at me. (Tony)

No, I’m not mad, but I am disappointed that you didn’t tell me sooner. Did you at least tell her about us? (Brandy)
Of course. I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings. (Tony)
So, what did she need to talk to you about? (Brandy, trying not to sound nervous)

Tony takes a deep breath and then spits it out.

She told me that I have a three year old daughter. (Tony)
What? Why would she keep something like that from you? (Brandy)

She found out she was pregnant after we ended things and just before I was scheduled to leave town. She was afraid I’d think she was trying to trap me or something. I don’t know. It was years ago. (Tony)
I don’t mean to be blunt, but why is she telling you this now? (Brandy)

Well, they’ve moved to Dollton, and she needs my help. But I don’t think that’s all. She sounded like she feels really guilty about keeping it from me all these years. (Tony)
Hmmm, do you believe she’s telling the truth? (Brandy)
Yeah, I do. She even suggested I get a paternity test. (Tony)
I think that’s wise. (Brandy)

Look, I understand if you want to rethink our engagement. This is a shock and it’s not what you signed on for… (Tony)
What?! I don’t need to rethink anything. I love you. I signed on for you. We’ll figure this out together. (Brandy)
You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that. (Tony, sighing)

Brandy and her sister, Yolanda, are chatting about wedding stuff.

Another idea I had was a bouquet of white roses with deep blue hydrangeas. (Yolanda)
That sounds good. (Brandy)
Got any more ideas? Seen anything in any of your bridal magazines? (Yolanda)
That sounds good. (Brandy)

Yolanda realizes Brandy is no longer listening.

How about we get the florist to make your bouquet out of turnips and celery? And we could have her do the table centerpieces to match. (Yolanda)
That sounds good. (Brandy)

Yolanda bangs the table to get Brandy’s attention. Brandy jumps and then looks at her sister.

What’s on your mind, Sis? (Yolanda)
Nothing much. (Brandy, shaking her head)
You just told me turnip centerpieces with a matching bouquet were good ideas for your wedding! (Yolanda)
Huh? (Brandy)

You weren’t even listening to me. Your mind was someplace else. (Yolanda)
You’re right. As a matter of fact, the therapist in me knows that talking to someone will make me feel better. (Brandy)
So, what’s on your mind? (Yolanda)

First, you have to swear not to tell Mom. I mean it, not a word. (Brandy)
Okay, fine. I promise. (Yolanda)
Tony recently found out that he has a kid. (Brandy)

Seriously? (Yolanda)
Yes. (sigh) And my mind is at the park where he went today to meet her for the first time. (Brandy)
Oh my. How old is the little girl? (Yolanda)
She’s three. Why do you ask? (Brandy)
Well, because if she was like ten then that relationship with the mom probably ended ages ago. The younger the child, the more recent the break-up… (Yolanda)
Brandy sighs.
Still, I mean this was obviously before the two of you got together. Are you having second thoughts? (Yolanda)

No. I love Tony. When he proposed, he made me the happiest woman alive, and I want to be with him more than anything. I’m just…you know…scared I guess…scared that maybe he’ll start having second thoughts after today. (Brandy)

Meanwhile at the city park…
Tony has arrived at the park to meet Lea and Kayla. It will be his first time meeting Kayla since their DNA samples were collected separately. The test results came back a few days ago confirming that he is the father.

Girls, why don’t you go play and I’ll call you over in a second? (Tony, to the twins)
Okay, Uncle Tony. (Macee)
I call first on the swing! ( Makenna)

Hey. (Tony, to Lea)
Hey, you. Are you okay? You look nervous. (Lea)
A little. I brought my nieces to help break the ice. I thought they might make Kayla feel more comfortable. Where is she? (Tony)
She’s there in the sandbox. Should I call her over? You ready? (Lea)
Let’s do it. (Tony)

Lea calls Kayla over to where she and Tony sit waiting.

Mommy, I play in sand. I dig. (Kayla)
I know, I saw you. Look, I have someone I want you to meet. Say, “Hi.” (Lea)
Hi. (Kayla, to Tony)
Mommy, I say, “Hi.” (Kayla, to Lea)
That’s my sweet girl. Kayla, this is your daddy. (Lea)

Kayla just looks at Tony, not really understanding.

Hi, Kayla. I’m really happy to meet you. I know you don’t know me yet, but I’d like for you to get to know me. I brought you something. (Tony)

Tony offers Kayla a doll.

Mommy, it’s a doll! (Kayla)
What do you say? (Lea)
Thank you. (Kayla)
You’re welcome. (Tony)
Mommy, I like doll. (Kayla)
I brought some friends for you to play with, too. (Tony)

Tony calls the twins over and introduces them to their little cousin. They offer to take turns pushing Kayla and her doll on the toddler swing.

You’re a natural. I knew you would be. (Lea, smiling)

Tony chats with Lea for a while, and then joins the girls in the play area. Kayla warms up to him in no time thanks to the twins, who adore their uncle, Tony. Later, he drops the twins off at home.

Mommy, Daddy! (Macee and Makenna)
We missed you. Did you have fun at the park with your uncle? (Amber)
Yes! And Uncle Tony said he’s going to take us to the fair so we can see Kayla again. (Makenna)
Who's Kayla? (Amber, to Tony)

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Liebster Award- Tagged

About a month ago, I was tagged for the Liebster Award. 

Once tagged, you’re supposed to:
-Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
Thank you Smaller Places and Jaye’s Doll Space for tagging me in!
-Give your readers eleven random facts about yourself. See below.
-Answer the eleven questions from the person who nominated you. My 22 answers are below.
-Nominate eleven bloggers to receive the award.*
-Invent eleven questions for your nominees.*
I am going to skip the last two steps, because I am extremely late to the party. Also, the bloggers I would tag have already been tagged once or twice.

11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I am a terrible singer. I’m talking really, really bad but I like to sing (loudly) in the car.
2. I love to dance. I used to turn a house party out back in the day. Don’t stop, get it, get it! LOL
3. I am an awesome Spades player. Before I cleaned up my language, my partner and I used to talk mad ish at the card table. I wish my husband knew how to play.
4. I don’t drink coffee, but I love the way it smells.
5. I’m a cake snob. I will only buy/eat birthday cake from Publix Bakery.
6. I didn’t learn to drive until I was 21, and even then it was out of necessity. When I lived in the city, I was walking distance from a rail station.
7. I’m a fashionista. I used to take daily pictures of my outfits and share them on a fashion blog.
8.  I closed my Facebook account four years ago, and have never regretted it.
9. I don’t talk on the phone much. I’m a face-to-face kind of gal.
10. I am a huge Michael Jackson fan. Some of my closest friends actually called to check on me the day he died.
11. I can be just a tad obsessive about things like crooked pictures or things that don’t fit properly or are out of place.

SP’s Questions:
1. What’s the oldest item in your immediate environment?
I’m sitting in our den, and I’m pretty sure the oldest thing in this room is me.
2. When has a project exceeded your wildest expectations? How?
This blog has exceeded my wildest expectations. I never really expected to have followers, or to be writing stories, or anything like that. It’s pretty cool to be linked to you all in this way.
3. Chocolate: white, dark, milk, or none at all?
None at all.
4. If you could have dinner with three fictional characters, who would they be?
Sherlock Holmes (as played by Robert Downey, Jr.), Gregor (from the Underland Chronicles), and his bond, the giant bat, Ares.
5. What’s your all-time favorite movie?
The Last Dragon. It’s a cult classic and I never get tired of seeing Richie break dance out of those ropes. What y’all know ‘bout Bruce Leroy?
6. If you could choose a career other than your actual one, what would it be?
I would probably choose to be a psychotherapist.
7. How many cats is the optimum number?
I’m going to go with two.
8. What is the most versatile tool in your arsenal?
My glue gun is versatile…dangerous, but versatile.
9. Winter person or summer person?
Neither. I dislike being cold as much as I dislike being hot. I prefer fall.
10. What do you most wish you could organize properly?
doll clothes and accessories
11. What do you do to find inspiration?
I watch soap operas. I never get any ideas. Instead I get the feeling that I could probably write better story lines than the nonsense I see in the soaps, and then I give it a go.

Jaye’s Questions:
1. What is the last doll project you worked on?
That would have to be dioramas for upcoming stories: a park and a bridal salon.
2. Of all the things you do dolly related, name your favorite thing to do (i.e., making clothes, making furniture, etc.)
My favorite thing has to be writing the stories. I have a notebook with pages and pages of stories and ideas for stories.
3. Do you get dolly items gifted to you from family or friends?
Yes, but only if I make a specific request.
4. Which do you prefer when it comes to doll items- making them yourself, buying to customize or buying to use as is?
I’m not very crafty, so I prefer buying to use as is. I’d rather pay the crafty folks to make what I need, so I can concentrate on my stories. Heck, I’d pay someone to take the pictures, too if I could afford it.
5. Are any of your characters based on someone you know?
Yep, a few of them are, and a number of my story ideas come from personal experiences or those of people I know.
6. If you could attend one doll conference, all expenses paid, which one would it be and why?
I think I’d go to an Integrity convention. The write-ups I’ve read about them sound really nice.
7. What one doll item do you wish you could find that you have never seen made for purchase?
Maxi pads! Oh wait, the Lammily folks just made those…never mind. Just kidding! Nothing comes to mind at the moment.
8. Do you take your dolls out in public to take photos?
No, but I probably would if I had any idea how to take good photos outdoors.
9. Where was your all-time favorite vacation?
My first Caribbean cruise is still my favorite. I got married on a beach in the Virgin Islands.
10. Do you see movies in the theater or wait for video?
Both. It depends on the movie. I can usually tell from the preview if I have to see it right away or if it can wait.
11. Have you ever been to Vegas?
No, nor do I have any desire to ever go.
See y'all tomorrow with a new photo story!

Monday, September 28, 2015

New Characters for a New Storyline

Back in July, I teased that I was saving some newbies for a separate post. 
Finally, I'm ready to introduce a few of them.

Normally I save the best for last, but this lady is so stunning that she deserves to lead. This is the Atlanta Doll Collectors' 2015 club doll (formally a prom Grace) customized by Georgia Girl. Her customizations include hair, makeup and manicure, rooted eyelashes, jewelry, dress, and boa. I love the glitzy little black dress Georgia Girl made. I want it in 1:1 scale size 4, please.

AFTER pic courtesy of Georgia Girl
BEFORE pic courtesy of Georgia Girl

In my previous post, I mentioned a grail doll who had been on my wish list for about a year. Here is Imani Allen (Alvin Ailey Dance Theater Barbie).  I  tried a number of times to purchase this doll via eBay only to see my hopes dashed when I was outbid and her price climbed out of reach. This past summer, a single auctioneer listed over a hundred AA dolls, many of which were NRFB, and I finally got lucky. I won her and one of the hard to find bride dolls I'd been watching for, both from the same seller.

#s 3 and 4
I also mentioned that I'd purchased the most beautiful (imho) AA Holiday Barbie ever made. Allow me to introduce you to Barbara Doyle, owner of Muse Model Management. Barb (as she likes to be called) is a 2008 Holiday Barbie. She has been rebodied on a Baby Phat Kara body. She is pictured with her right-hand man, Victor James. I was so excited to find Victor in pristine condition at a price I was willing to pay. Barb and Victor are major players in a new story line set to begin in 2016. It will be called Liars & Lovers, and no they are not fooling around with each other. Barb has a strict "no fraternizing with the models" policy for upper management. Victor is on the fast track (pun intended!) to becoming second in command when he decides to seduce one of Barb's top models and keep the relationship a secret. It won't be long before he's tangled in a web of lies, and that's just the beginning.

I also mentioned the purchase of my first Dynamite Girl. This is Heart of Glass Aria, now Aria Hart. Aria is a model, but not for Barb's company. She has a contract with a competing agency. Barb became interested in Aria after seeing her in a recent show. She sent Victor to inquire about her availability, and when she learned that Aria wasn't available, her response was, "We'll just see about that."

When I wrote that teaser, I mentioned a new (to me) Homme. It wasn't Victor. He was a surprise that came much later. The guy I was referring to was Hypnotic Francisco Leon. There's something about him that I really like. He reminds me of my teenage son who is tall, thin but muscular, and gets his hair cut like this.

And here's one more. Takeshi (right) isn't new. He's been on the roster at Muse for a while now, but the blonde cutie pie is a new addition. His name is Owen, and he's on Barb's roster, too.

Later, I will introduce you to Barb's assistant, female models, and others who work at the agency.